The House Painting Professionals Trusted by Homeowners Across Florida
For house painting services in Florida, turn to the skilled team at Southern Painting. Our lengthy company history dates back to 1989, and during that time we have painted over 100,000 homes, making us one of the most experienced painting companies around. We use only the highest-quality materials—sourcing our paint from reputable manufacturers like Sherwin-Williams®, Benjamin Moore®, and PPG Pittsburgh Paint®—and we’re so confident in our team’s work that we back it with a 3-Year Limited Labor Warranty.
The Interior & Exterior Painting Experts
Some painters focus only on interior jobs, leaving you without anyone to update the outside of your house. Some do the opposite, limiting themselves to only exterior painting projects. Not us—at Southern Painting, we’re proud to be a full-service house painting company. Our professionals can assist you with all of your interior and exterior painting needs, including:
- Walls
- Ceilings
- Trim
- Doors
- Cabinets
- Siding
- Fencing
Another quality that sets us apart from other house painting companies is that we take the time to perform all necessary prep work. We want to provide our customers with the best value for the investment, so we’ll put in the time and effort needed to ensure flawless results.
For More Information
If you’d like to know more about our company and the house painting services we offer in Florida, contact Southern Painting today. One of our knowledgeable team members can answer your questions and put you in touch with the location nearest you. We’re pleased to offer free in-home consultations, and we’ll be happy to arrange an appointment at a date and time that’s convenient for you. Once we’ve inspected the area that needs updating and gained a better understanding of your needs and preferences, we’ll supply you with a no-obligation written estimate that details everything the project will involve.